Working from Home? Why not from Ethiopia?

For the Ethiopian diaspora, transform the way you connect to your US-based work with our distributed VPN service.


Reliable Service

Reliable and Distributed VPN service specifically tailored to the needs of the Ethiopian diaspora working remotely from Ethiopia.

Secured VPN

Secured and Private your internet connection with our reliable virtual private network (VPN) service

Distributed Approach

HaPo VPN is designed to be configured on your portable router. This requires no additional software installations.

Our Unique Advantages

Unlike traditional VPNs, HaPo VPN utilizes a unique distributed approach. Our servers are placed across various client homes, reducing the chances of being blacklisted or flagged.

Our Mission

HaPo VPN aims to empower the Ethiopian diaspora, enabling remote workers to seamlessly connect to their US-based workplaces from the comfort of their home country. We understand the unique challenges faced by individuals who wish to work remotely while staying connected to their US employers, and we are here to bridge that gap.


The Power of Working from Ethiopia

Enjoy the unique advantages of working from Ethiopia, all while staying professionally connected with your US-based workplace.

We are dedicated to delivering a seamless remote work experience. By connecting to our VPN, you gain access to your US-based workplace resources, files, and applications as if you were physically present there. No longer bound by geographical constraints, you can work efficiently and effectively, collaborating with your colleagues, attending virtual meetings, and contributing to your organization's success—all from the comfort of your home country.


What you will get

Enjoy seamless connectivity to your US-based workplace from Ethiopia, enabling efficient collaboration and the flexibility to work remotely with ease.

Seamless Remote Work Experience

Hapo VPN enables remote workers to seamlessly connect to their US-based workplaces from the comfort of their home country. Say goodbye to geographical barriers and enjoy the freedom to work remotely while maintaining the same access to resources, files, and applications as if you were physically present in the US.

Secure and Private Connections

With Hapo VPN, the Ethiopian diaspora gains the assurance of secure and private connections to their US-based workplaces. Our advanced encryption protocols and tunneling technology protect your data from potential threats, ensuring that your sensitive information remains confidential and safeguarded.

Empowerment and Flexibility

By using Hapo VPN, the Ethiopian diaspora gains empowerment and flexibility in their professional lives. Enjoy the benefits of remote work, such as improved work-life balance, reduced relocation expenses, and the ability to earn US wages while living in Ethiopia.

Ease of Setup